Thursday 26 September 2019

Battle Report 1

So I have had my first game with my 500 point list against my friend Steve's Rohan. To recap, my list was:

Boromir with Shield, Horse, Banner: 215
8 Fountain Court Guard with Shields: 88
4 Warriors with Spears and Shields: 36
2 Knights with Shields: 28

Madril: 55
5 Rangers with Spears: 45
3 Warriors with Shields: 24
1 Warrior with Spear and Shield: 9

Total 500, 25 Models, 9 Might, 5 Bows, 3 Horses

And Steve's list was something like:

Theoden with Armoured Horse, Heavy Armour, Shield: 100
4 Royal Guard with Throwing Spears: 68
4 Riders of Rohan: 56

Deorwine with Horse: 85
4 Royal Guard: 60
4 Riders of Rohan: 56

Dernhelm: 75

(I may have got the last few points of this mixed up but it gives you an idea). Unfortunately I forgot to take any pictures of this game but Steve took a few so I have included those where appropriate!

We randomly determined the scenario and got the one with 5 objectives (I think its called Capture and Control but I don't have my scenario cards on me right now!)

Madril deployed first and rolled a 3. Upped it to a 4 with his ability and deployed towards the back left behind the hill with my flank protected by a lake. Dernhelm deployed on her own on the right, next to the right hand objective. Boromir then rolled a 1 so Madril couldn’t even help him. Deployed just over 10 inches back from the centre line to avoid the Rohan charge of doom. Deorwine and his warband deployed in the middle but towards his back board edge and Theoden on my left.

My line of FCG swung around to block the pass between the 2 hills and the 2 knights went to deal with Dernhelm. Madrid’s band stood still apart from 1 guy who went to claim my back objective. Deorwine’s band came up the middle and Theoden’s went down the left hand board edge. Shooting killed a Royal Guard for no return.

Deorwine’s band did not want to charge my shield wall so cut across the hill towards the left to team up with Theoden’s. My Rangers and Madril tried really hard to unhorse Theoden but no luck.

Next turn and only Deorwine is in range to charge my Madril’s band but he bounced off and got his horse killed for his troubles! Meanwhile my centre line is swinging around to try and catch the last few Riders.

Now it all kicks off. Lots of charges from Rohan but now Boromir has come back to lend a hand and his banner which meant I only lost about half the fights. Those that I did lose I invariably died but I think I killed a few in return. Boromir called a heroic combat and minced a rider followed by a royal guard. By now the closest part of my centre line had come back to help, just leaving a few guys to go objective hunting. All the FCG charged Theoden, we drew the combat but he won the roll off. This happened several times much to my annoyance! However once we were in the thick of it and he had run out of might to call heroic moves my F5 rangers and FCG minced their way through his riders. Meanwhile my 5 man objective hunters had claimed the middle and left hand objectives.

Lots of Riders of Rohan!

Where did all the horses go?! Oh right, Boromir...

The right hand objective was fought over by Dernhelm and my two knights for the entire game. We traded charges but I could never wound when I did win the fight. One of my knights was stabbed in the face by Merry but the other hung on until the end, and even pushed Dernhelm off the objective in the final turn making it a 9-0 victory to me.

This was a really fun game, at first I was really scared of the Rohan charge but when I realised I matched or won fight value with Boromir’s banner I became much less scared! Can’t believe I ever doubted Boromir, he is a beast and the banner is incredible. I’m really glad I went with a large contingent of FCG too as their natural D7 is much better than having to try to maintain the Shieldwall. Still haven’t played any big scary things (I am pretty sure at least 1 Azog and Balrog will be attending) so we’ll have to see how it fairs against those but overall I am very happy! Thanks for reading!

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