I have recently got hold of a fair bit of Fiefdoms stuff and actually I probably have enough for a full 700 points but I have no chance of getting them painted in time so I think I will go for a mix of Fiefdoms and Minas Tirith to lessen the painting load. I have also bought the Forgeworld characters for MT so I am keen to try them out too.
With that in mind here are a few lists I have written and my thoughts behind them.
List 1: Fiefdoms and MT combo
8 FCG, shields
6 Warriors, spears, shields
Imrahil, armoured horse, lance
5 Knights, armoured horses, lances
8 Men-at-Arms
9 Clansmen
6 Axemen
700 points, 45 Models, 5 Might, 6 Horses, 0 Bows
The main thought process behind this list was to try and get Imrahil on the board. He seems pretty awesome and particularly scary on the charge. His huge Banner effect as well as his +1F buff make him a really valuable piece on the table, plus he has got a great set of characteristics, being F6 S4 D7 A3 with 3 Might to back it up. That's 4 attacks on the charge with 8 dice to wound infantry and +1 to wound from his lance. Nice. However, he will obviously be public enemy number 1 and while he is a great hero he can't necessarily be relied upon to win fights against the super-heroes (Aragorn, Boromir, Azog, Gil Galad, etc.) With this in mind I didn't want to make him my Leader as he will likely be a big target. The only way to not have him be the leader is by including either Aragorn or Denethor, and since Aragorn costs too much I stuck Denethor in there. Both Imrahil and Denethor's warbandsd write themselves really. Hard hitting cavalry to accompany Imrahil and F4 D7 FCG to protect Denethor. I also put some Men-at-Arms in there as they can benefit from Imrahil's +1F. The final hero I put in was Angbor as he is a cheap threat who also has Strike if Imrahil goes down. He also makes any Fiefdoms models within 6" Fearless and he counts as a Banner for the Clansmen. Angbor is accompanied by 9 Clansmen and 6 Axemen. I originally just had 15 Axemen but I realised I could be fighting a lot of 1v1s if I am not careful so the Axemen are there to support the Clansmen and lend their F4 to ofset the -1 to the duel roll of the two handed weapons.
Overall this list looks quite punchy but there are some flaws. No bows, no access to Heroic March and a limited Might pool. In hindsight this list might not be well rounded enough to do well at tournaments but I think it would do a good job in a straight up fight with just about anything!
8 FCG, shields
2 Knights, shields
4 Warriors, spears, shields
1 Warrior, shield, Banner
7 Ranger, spears
5 Rangers
6 Warriors, shields
5 Warriors, spears, shields
1 Warrior, Banner, shield
3 Warriors, shields
3 Warriors, spears, shields
Avenger Bolt Thrower
700 points, 52 Models, 8 Might, 2 Horses, 14 Bows
The idea behind this list was that I wanted to use as many of my shiny new characters as possible, as well as a Bolt Thrower because I just love them! Once I started filling out the warbands however, it became clear that what I was building was a horde army. 52 models at 700 points is pretty huge, especially when most of them are D7! Sure I am going to lose a fair few fights because of low Fight value but with D7 I shouldn't really lose a huge amount of models and should be able to grind the enemy down and swamp them. Ingold in particular can hold a shield wall for a long time with his ability to make the enemy back off. I feel I could deal with scary heroes by using the Bolt Thrower and the bows to take them off their horses then feed them a couple of models each turn. This can keep them held up long enough for the rest of my army to grind theirs down.
The main weakness of this list is that I don't have a scary hero myself to swing things in my favour when I need them to. This could be an issue when there is a fight I need to win as I don't really have anyone who can guarantee it for me. 8 Might also doesn't feel like a lot but maybe that is because I am used to playing with Boromir who has 6 on his own!
Overall I like the idea of this list but I think that I want to play with a big hero, just to have an extra tool in my box.
Boromir, horse, shield, Banner of Minas Tirith
8 FCG, shields
4 Warriors, spears, shields
2 Knights, shields
7 Rangers, spears
3 Warriors, shields
9 Clansmen
6 Axemen
700 Points, 42 Models, 11 Might, 3 Horses, 8 Bows
This list builds off my 500 point list that I had been working on for the Top Table Weekender. The weakness in that list was that it didn't have a good way to crack high defence except for Boromir just throwing Might at the problem. With that in mind I have spent the extra 200 points on a couple of extra bows and then Angbor with a full complement of two handed weapon wielding warriors. I've gone for the same mix as the first list so that I have a bit more flexibility. The main difference here though is that Boromir's banner will effect the Clansmen and the Axemen, making them both F5! This is pretty amazing when they are supported because it means that I am negating the downside of the 2 handed weapons but maintaining the positive of the +1 to wound. Even if the Clansmen aren't supported, they keep their 6s in Duels anyway! Not only that but the Axemen can Piercing Strike, making them effectively S6! AND when they are in 6" of both Angbor and Boromir I can get 2 rerolls (one for the Clansman from Angbor and one for the support from Boromir). Oh and they are Fearless within 6" of Angbor (that means that 24 of my 42 models have either Bodyguard or Fearless). Did somebody say synergy?
Obviously though, this synergy carries with it its own weakness. To really get the most out of the army I need to overlap the bubbles which means they have to stay together to be at peak effectiveness. Also if I lose both Boromir and Angbor I am in trouble. That being said, losing just one of them isn't too terrible as I am still F4 almost across the board and the Clansmen are C5 naturally. I also have a pretty good resistance to magic as I have 7 Will in total.
Overall this list just feels like it has a tool to deal with almost any situation. I think this is the one I will try out initially. I don't really have much experience of 700 point games or the big-bads that can be brought at this points level so I will have to playtest the list before the tournament. The added benefit of this list is that it is only Angbor's warband that needs to be painted!
Thanks for reading! This weekend is the Top Table Weekender so I will report back on that once I have played in it. My aim is to just win 1 of the 3 games as this will be my first tournament! Wish me luck!
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