Thursday 12 March 2020

Full on Fluff: Legendary Legions - Part Two

Good morning, fellow adventurers into the world of fluff. Once again I’m here to look at some thematic creations from the MESBG team in the form of Legendary Legions - but who is to judge just how fluffy these lists are? Me. I am, in my own (likely biased) opinion. This week we’ll be focusing on the lists’ style, control, damage and aggression...sorry that was an excerpt from my Robot Wars blog. 

Grand Army of the South

Basis: Big angry elephants. And if you didn’t like the stomping, you’re going to hate the poison.

The glorious march of the Mumakil across the Pelennor Fields, ready to break the lines of the Rohirrim, but you’ll likely only fit a couple into lists at most. What may not make it to the table in numbers is made up for in the sheer presence of the Mumakil felt by those riders, as in this legion all of them gain the Harbinger of Evil special rule. Not only do they inflict Terror, but they also make you work harder for that charge - nice little added extra there considering their deployment in battle. But what else do you get besides scary elephants? Well, you’re getting both the Serpent Horde and Far Harad fighting together (although this isn’t anything new as they are already historical allies, despite the infighting) and both of their army bonuses are kept in the legion.

What’s new then? You may ask. Well, your leader - wanting to prove his allegiance and power to Sauron on the field of battle can now call any heroic action viable in the fight phase if he is combat with the enemy Leader. You’ve essentially gained a mini Mighty Hero into the force and that is nothing to sniff at. Especially when that mini becomes not-so-mini and is on top of a Royal War Mumak.

Fluff Verdict: 8/10
Out of all the legendary legions looked at so far, The Grand Army of the South by far has some of the most options to take in a force. You are forced to take at least one Mumak as well, which only further drives the scene on Pelennor further into your mind as you charge the enemy. The extra rules are a nice bonus as well, further adding to the fear that foes felt when being face with a battle line of Mumakil.

Men of the West


Ready to get teary eyed and call your last stand as free men? Well this is the legion for you. Honestly though? There’s not a whole lot to the list, just a butt-load of heroes and a motley selection of troops. The last stand at the Black Gate to buy Frodo enough time to destroy the ring is a great scene - Aragorn 
suicidally charging headlong into an army of Orcs and everyone following suit. This is put on show by the fact that no-one, and I mean no-one needs to take courage checks whilst the King is alive - that is an incredible bonus to men who generally suffer at courage 3. 

The second special rule may not be as powerful, but certainly gives you a movie moment to proclaim across the table - channelling your inner Viggo Mortenson acting chops; “For Frodo”. Giving every friendly model within 12” of Aragorn +1 to their fight. However, if played the right way, can bait some might out of opposing heroes in order to beat your buffed guys and potentially swing a round of combat.

Fluff Rating: 8/10
It’s just such a good scene - I am such a sucker for any rule which lets you actively call out a line from the film. One nice little fluff benefit however is the book canon inclusion of the Knights of Dol Amroth with even Imrahil making an appearance on the battle line. Writing this has actually got me seriously considering running this list in the near future!

The Black Gate Opens

Basis: That troll was such a beast that we gave him his own special rule.

On the other side of the coin, we have the legion that faced off against the Men of the West, and whilst they had their fancy speeches and tear filled oscar moments, this legion brought a lot of orcs and one very scary troll. You also get the nice bonus of a pre-beheaded Mouth of Sauron so there is a little diversity in the list, allowing you to mess a little with magic. Aside from that, your troop choices are essentially limited to orcs and their Morannon counterparts. Not the most adventurous, but given the legions special rule, you’ll be wanting to swamp the enemy. Outnumbering a model in a duel now gives a tasty +1 to wound - always very useful.

Secondly, the Mordor Troll Chieftain got a buff to the tune of being Fearless and an extra point of Might, Will and Fate with no points increase - that’s pretty insane and so it should be for the troll that nearly took Aragorn down. You know, if his master hadn’t been destroyed and all.

Fluff Rating: 7/10
I think this legion is as good as you can make what was essentially a massive horde of orcs with not many defining features (especially in the films). The troll is fantastic, and the inclusion of the Mouth of Sauron is neat as well. I do feel an inclusion that may have helped the fluff would have been to allow a winged Nazgul into the list (even though they were ineffectual once the eagles arrived).

Well, we’ve nearly wrapped up Gondor at War - just two more legions to go and then we’ll be moving onto the next supplement.

Until next time, flavour lovers!

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