Saturday 18 April 2020

Mordor Commanders

So after looking at the troop choices I now want to look at commanding them. With at least 27 options on my hands I need to break this down. I am not going to include the Wraiths in this just yet, they will be for a later blog.

With such choice how to choose is ultimately up to you, but I will say each one has their place. Let's look at commanders/captains in base cost points order, highest to lowest, for the named and then the generics:

Gothmog - Is always a solid choice especially in his own legendary legion. His special rules when fighting against humans can be devastating as well as the Master of Battle special rule, getting free, endless heroics is a big plus. Positioning is key with him, mounting him on a Warg so he can be put in the right place to activate his Time Of The Orc special rule is really important (outside of the LL). In combat he is solid, F5 with 3 attacks and D7 with a shield, but unfortunately lacking on strength at a fairly standard 4. He isn't the most hard hitting at this price point but with all his rules it makes him worth it. Beware though as he only has 1 Fate so don't hang him out to dry and think he can powerhouse on his own.

Shagrat - Apart from my favorite name, this Captain for the points is a power house and well worth looking at in all lists, especially those at lower points value. This guy is a hero killer and this is reinforced by the Blood and Glory rule (kill a hero, regain a might). Armed with his shield of Cirith Ungol he can also get the knockdown rule on the charge, which only amplifies his impressive F5 S5 and 3 attacks (see I told you he was a beast). As if all this wasn't enough he comes with a whopping 3M 3W 3F. Overall a great piece!

Goroth - Here we have another heavy hitter. Wielding a two handed mace with Burly when he is already S5, he is pretty much going to wound most things on a 4+ or better. At D6 and 2 wounds he is still tough enough to stick around for a bit in the fight.....but wait, he can also use other orcs within 1 inch as human shields on a 2+. In any sort of list (well one with at least a few orcs) this is a strong choice and definitely one I will be using.

Mouth of Sauron - With 4 Will points this is a cheap model for Drain Courage and Transfix, perfect to synergise with terror (It's almost like he was a BN himself...hmmmm). His base stats are pretty good with F5 S4 D6 and 2 attacks he can definitely hold his own in combat. With the option for March and an armoured horse, he can get himself and others to where they need to be quickly. Paired with a Wraith so you have two casters, he is a very strong contender for my go to commander. As an added extra he is the cheapest allying model available to Mordor.

Guritz - Around this price there is a bit of competition but this guy is my favorite. In a tournament setting this commander is great. As well as his access to March he can add or subtract one from your reserve roll for Maelstrom style deployments, not just for his warband but for others when he is on the table. At my last tournament this was crucial and saved me every time. F4 S5 D6 so not too shabby, he has an option to go two handed with a pick but beware he doesn't have Burly so it could hurt you.

Gothmog's Enforcer- Only worth the points if you're taking Gothmog.....and even then it's debatable. He allows Gothmog to use his Will points (3) as Might. The fact the Big G already gets lots for free I'm not convinced by him. At F4 S4 D6 he isn't anything to shout about compared to a lot of the other commanders at a similar price point.

Zagdush - Not bad a shout with 3 attacks and access to Strike and Strength at this price. He has access to the Reckless Fighter rule where he can increase his Strength but lower his Defence by 1. He is only F4 S4 D5 so you do need to be careful when you decide to do this...but I suppose that is why it is called "reckless".

Try to ignore the photobomb by Shagrat.

Gorbag - I love this little guy. F4 S4 D5 with option for shield. Again a situational rule with getting an extra point of Fight and Attack
if outnumbered certainly makes people think twice about multi-model attacks. With access to Strike and Strength you may be the one charging other heroes but he is better suited as a troop killer.

Grishnakh - F4 S4 D5, but does get options for a shield. His special rule is getting an extra attack against trapped models. Quite situational really, I would take him if points were tight and I'd generally prefer him over a generic Captain. His woodland creature rule doesn't really appeal to me, on the odd occasion a relic is in a wood it would come in handy. Cool looking model though.
Now we get on to the Generics

Black Numenorean Marshall - F5 S4 D7 with Terror, to be fair for a generic these aren't bad stats at all. However named heroes at lesser points cost are more attractive. 2M 1W 1F - standard for a generic.

Captain of the Black Guard - F5 S5 D7 A more hard hitting generic than previous, this has the standard MWF but has a special rule if you take a Wraith you get +2 courage while it's alive. Meh.

Mordor Uruk-hai Captain - F5 S5 D5- you can kit these out with shields, two handed weapons or bows for extra utility. Given the options above I don't know why you would take one.

Orc Taskmaster - Now I can't decide whether these guys are worth it or not. If you are taking him alongside a commander that is always calling heroics then maybe he is, having a 50% chance of not using your Might if you are within 6 inches seems good. He is F4 S4 D6 and can use a whip in a fight if he chooses. The whip can target ALL models in the fight but reduces your fight to 1. Probably not then eh?!

Morannon Orc Captain - No special rules here, access to March F4 S5 D6- option for shield and 2 handed weapon. With the named commanders coming in at similar points I really don't see a place for this in my armies apart for the D7 option if I was tailoring a list.

Orc Captain - Woodland creature and March F4 S4 D5 - This guy can be put on a Warg, have a shield and bow. There is an argument for having him for mobility and the cheap March, maybe as the commander of a group of Warg Riders. Other than that I think you are better off with other named heroes, though there is something to be said for him being so cheap!

As you can see, there are a lot of options available, even more if you count Ringwraith's, Kardush and the Orc Shaman but I will cover these in later blogs. Let us know what your favorite is or what you think is essential to your list.


  1. Hi, the next Isengard Heroes? Thanks for the job

  2. Grishnakh doesn't get an extra attack against trapped models, he gets backstabber. So vs a trapped models he gets four dice to wound at S4+1. He's five points cheaper than Gorbag and better at killing heroes as the Mordor game plan should be to outnumber and trap wherever possible. Between his strike and a friendly transfix stopping an enemy from striking back he can surprise models much more expensive.
